Enterployee.com is a employee relationship management tool for enterprise. It’s a fully managed notification platform for employees/students. We have a vision to make organizations more professional and organized. After getting an
enterployee account organizations can notify their employees easily and employees can connect with their company in better way. We make sure that your information reaches all the concerned person by sending them sms, email and enterployee notification.

Some of our frequently asked questions. 🤔
YNAPS is a group of startups where we develop new tech for the world to use. Our Latest ventures are NGF132 and Nodly's
YNAPS Web is a part of YNAPS where we do make websites and APPs for clients all over the world. after 12 years of experience in this tech, we built Nodly's
No YNAPS never had a investor and would never have any, we dould only raise funds in our startups but not in umbrella company, YNAPS !
Yes if you have an exceptional idea, or talent, please reach out to us at ynaps.com/career or ynaps.com/contact !